In the natural aquatic environment of fish aquariums, it is extremely important that waste production is balanced by waste removal. If this balance is not maintained the consequences are cloudy water, algal growth and build-up of toxins. The result of this imbalance in the system is poor water quality, an unstable environment and ultimately the health and performance of the fish will suffer. Under these conditions, the fish are more prone to disease and mortality increases dramatically.
The waste material is mainly derived from fish excreta, unconsumed food and decaying plant material. When this organic material is not degraded efficiently it builds up at the bottom of the aquarium as a sludge layer. This sludge degrades very slowly releasing ammonia, nitrite and sulphides. Ammonia and nitrite are toxic to fish, even at low concentrations. Sulphides remove dissolved oxygen which is essential for fish life from the aquarium water. To counteract or prevent these conditions developing, introduction of BioFuture's product, BFL A C L, provides a natural solution for effective removal of these potentially harmful compounds as well as promoting the efficient degradation of the sludge layer.
In most aquariums, biological filters are used to provide an efficient biomass to help degrade natural organic materials so that good water quality is maintained. BioFuture's product, BFL A C L, will provide a healthy, active biomass to start up and maintain such a filter thus providing a stable, balanced environment by biologically removing the substrates, which are harmful to fish.
Typical situations in which the use of BFL A C L is beneficial include:
BFL A C L is a biological product using only harmless, natural micro-organisms to control and eliminate the problems by degrading the organic material to CO2 and H2O and removing toxic inorganic material especially ammonia and nitrite in a highly effective and environmentally acceptable way.
What is BFL A C L?
BFL A C L contains a blend of micro-organisms that have been isolated from the natural environment. These micro-organisms have been specially selected for their ability to efficiently degrade organic matter and remove ammonia and nitrite from the aquatic environment. These strains grow at a fast rate so that they can quickly colonise and establish an effective biological filter. In this way they can quickly establish a biomass which will restore the natural balance in the system. The strains in the product work in total harmony with the existing biomass and increase its overall efficiency.
Directions for use
BFL A C L is supplied as a liquid concentrate. It should be diluted 1 in 10 prior to use.
When starting up a fish aquarium, the product should be added to the filter medium one to two weeks prior to the introduction of the fish. This helps to establish a stable environment before the addition of fish. The product can be also be introduced into a stocked system. In both cases, there will be an initial dose followed by a regular maintenance dose to ensure that a healthy, effective biomass is always present.
The product should also be used when stressful conditions are anticipated such as when transporting fish. It can also be dosed during and after treatment for bacterial fish diseases. The use of bactericides will knock out the desired biomass for filtration of the water. Introduction of BFL A C L will restore it.
The dosing recommendations for BFL A C L are available under separate cover.
Product safety
The micro-organisms in BFL A C L have all been isolated from natural environments. They have not been genetically modified in any way. These microbial strains have been classified as being harmless to humans, animals and plants. The product is subjected to independent testing to ensure that it is free of Salmonella and other contaminants.
For further information on BFL A C L and dosing programmes please contact:
Technical Department, BioFuture Ltd., 62C Heather Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Foxrock, Dublin 18, IRELAND. Phone: + 353-1-2149749 Fax: + 353 1 2149767 E-mail: