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Municipal Products

BFL Agri Clean

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Applications: Animal Wastes

Animal wastes are a problem where animals are housed. There is very little dilution of animal wastes so they are extremely strong organically and cause major environmental problems if discharged to water courses. It is not possible to treat animal wastes using conventional wastewater treatment technology due to the vast dilution required. Thus animal wastes tend to be stored in tanks, silos and lagoons. It is essential that the waste material be stabilized prior to disposal. However, to achieve stabilization, the slurry must be stored for long periods of time. This factor together with the large volumes of waste generated is a problem for the farmer.

As animal production intensifies, the issue of controlling gases in confined animal housing becomes a problem. One gas in particular is receiving increased attention due to its noxious odour and its potential as a hazard not only to the housed animals but also to the farm operators. This gas is Ammonia. High levels of Ammonia have been associated with increased incidences of respiratory disease, slow weight gain, loss of appetite and lower fertility rates amongst confined animals. Emission levels of this gas are now governed by legislation in many countries. Farmers and feed companies are faced with a dilemma of how to reduce the harmful effects of Ammonia and satisfy environmental restrictions.

Other gases which are of concern include Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and Methane (CH4) which develop under anaerobic conditions in animal slurry. When animal slurry is stored for long periods heavy crusting develops in the upper layers and conditions become anaerobic within the slurry. These gases are particularly hazardous to the farm operator as well as causing corrosive damage to concrete walls and floors of storage tanks.

The problems arising from storage of animal wastes/slurry include:

  • Formation of crust on the upper layers of slurry in the tank, silo or lagoon
  • Development of anaerobic conditions within the slurry
  • Development of noxious odours in the housing units and in the slurry storage units
  • Production of hazardous gases in the housing units and in the slurry storage units
  • Attraction of flies
  • Stressed, unhealthy livestock.

    BFL Agri Clean harnesses the power of environmental biotechnology to resolve the problems caused by production and storage of animal wastes. BFL Agri Clean contains a blend of harmless, natural micro-organisms that manage the conditions presented by intensive animal housing, slurry production and storage.

    The benefits of treatment of livestock housing and slurry with BFL Agri Clean include:

  • Reduction in crust formation on tanks, silos and lagoons surfaces
  • Increased pumpability of slurry
  • Reduction of noxious odours
  • Reduction in formation of hazardous gases
  • Control of fly infestation
  • Faster slurry stabilisation
  • Safe environment for livestock and farm operators
  • Healthy livestock and increased weight gain.

    Livestock referred to include cattle, pigs, sheep and poultry.

    What is BFL Agri Clean?

    BFL Agri Clean is a biological powder product that contains a wide range of natural micro-organisms that have been specially selected for their ability to efficiently mobilise the slurry, compete successfully with anaerobic micro-organisms in order to prevent the development of gases such as H2S and Methane, effectively remove Ammonia and biodegrade organic material to produce a more acceptable slurry.

    BFL Agri Clean contains a small quantity of free enzymes to help initiate the biodegradation process. Once the bacteria are established, they then take over the enzyme production process.

    The bacteria in BFL Agri Clean have the ability to produce biosurfactants. These naturally produced surface-active agents will assist the biodegradation process and also promote the mobilization of the crust layers in the slurry.

    BFL Agri Clean contains a buffering agent which helps to neutralise the environment in which the micro-organisms are expected to work thus reducing the acclimatisation period.

    BFL Agri Clean contains one final important ingredient. This is Yucca Extract. This component, a natural extract of the Yucca plant, has consistently reduced Ammonia levels in confinement units. It also has some benefits on removal of H2S.

    Reduction in odours, gases and organic constituents will control the presence of flies.

    Directions for use

    BFL Agri Clean is a powder product on a cereal base. Rehydrate the product in advance of use. Place product in a clean container, half fill container with clean lukewarm water (~30oC), stir well and allow to stand for at least 30 minutes before dosing. Rehydration rate is 1 part product to at least 5 parts water.

    The product is provided as a bulk powder in plastic buckets.

    Application Rates

    Use BFL Agri Clean as follows: Slurry:
  • Initial Dose Maintenance Dose
  • Cattle 25 g/m3 5 g/m3
  • Pigs 25 g/m3 5 g/m3
  • Sheep 20 g/m3 2.5 g/m3
  • Poultry 20 g/m3 2.5 g/m3

    The cubic capacity (m3) refers to the slurry volume. However, if this is difficult to measure then the tank, silo or lagoon volume can be used.

    For best results the initial dose should be introduced into the tank, silo or lagoon as the animals are being housed or immediately after the tank, silo or lagoon has been emptied.

    The maintenance dose should follow 1 week after the initial dose. Maintenance dose should continue once per week throughout the housed season.

    The point of dosing should be at the inlet into the storage system.


    To use BFL Agri Clean where livestock are housed indoors e.g. on slatted floors, rehydrate the product and spray onto the floors and into the collection channels. Alternatively if collection tanks are beneath the slats, spray here. Spray at the rate of 10 grams BFL Agri Clean per m2 of area to be treated. This dose should be repeated once per week or if floor is hosed down regularly then after each hose down.

    To prevent spray mechanism from blocking, allow rehydrated product to stand after the rehydration step so that the cereal material settles to the bottom of the container. Decant off the supernatant and pass through a sieve for final separation. A knapsack sprayer or equivalent is suitable.

    For best results, begin programme at the beginning of the housing season.

    Product safety

    The micro-organisms in BFL Agri Clean have all been isolated from natural environments. They have not been genetically modified in any way. These micro-organisms have been classified as being harmless to humans, animals and plants. The product is subjected to independent testing to ensure that it is free of Salmonella and other contaminants.

    For further information on dosing programmes and product application please contact:

    Technical Department, BioFuture Ltd., 62C Heather Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Foxrock, Dublin 18, Ireland. Tel.: + 353 1 2149749 Fax: + 353 1 2149767 E-mail: info@biofuture.ie