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BioRemediation Products

BFL Nutrient Mix

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Applications: Nutrient Additive

In many sites contaminated by hydrocarbons there is a large nutrient imbalance since the hydrocarbons are largely composed of carbon. The other essential macronutrients such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) are lacking and since the microbes added need a balanced diet in order to function these must be provided.

In addition to the macronutrients there is a requirement for micronutrients. The micronutrients are used by the added microbes to work with the degradative enzymes to destroy the hydrocarbons. The process of bioremediation is dependent on correcting this nutrient imbalance so that the addition of microbes that can efficiently degrade hydrocarbon pollutants can successfully deal with the problem.

What is BFL Nutrient Mix?

BFL Nutrient Mix consists of a specially formulated blend of organic and inorganic nutrients together with natural sources of micronutrients, amino acids and vitamins. This blend provides an excellent nutrient source for bioremediation of hydrocarbon spills. Many of the micronutrients in the product are essential co-factors for the enzymes involved in the degradation of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbon compounds. The provision of these co-factors makes the degradation process work more efficiently so that BFL Nutrient Mix acts to accelerate degradation using the bacterial product BFL 6000HC.

BFL Nutrient Mix can be used to deal with spills from kerosene, petrol, diesel, heating oil, lubricating oils, heavy fuel oils, etc.

BFL Nutrient Mix has been specifically formulated to work with the BFL range of products.

For very large remediation sites it is often necessary to use on-site activation units. This is achieved by adding a bacterial product such as BFL 6000HC to water in a tank equipped with aeration and agitation. In this case BFL Nutrient Mix provides an excellent source of the range of nutrients required to produce a highly active inoculum for the site.

Directions for use.

The product as supplied as a powder so it is important that it is rehydrated before use. This is achieved by adding the required quantity of product to lukewarm (~30oC) water in a suitable container. Apply 1 part product to a minimum of 10 parts water, stir well and apply. Ensure thorough coverage of the contaminated area using a watering can or similar.

Since the product is used in conjunction with BFL 6000HC it can be added to the rehydrated mix and applied simultaneously.

Since each site is different and has different characteristics it is important to assess the site before deciding on a dosing programme.

For further information on dosing programmes and product application please contact:

Technical Department, BioFuture Ltd., 62C Heather Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Foxrock, Dublin 18, Ireland. Phone: +353-1-2149749 Fax: +353-1-2149767 E-mail: info@biofuture.ie