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Municipal Products

BFL 4500NT

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Applications: Ammonia removal

The biological degradation of the effluent from many industries and, indeed municipal effluent, gives rise to the production of ammonia (NH3) in addition to carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). Since ammonia is toxic to fish and other aquatic life at very low levels and can lead to eutrophication in receiving waters it is extremely important that it is removed before final discharge. This removal process is known as nitrification and involves the oxidation of ammonia. The process is carried out by specialised organisms called nitrifying bacteria. These organisms grow at a very slow rate compared to the other microbes in a wastewater treatment system and are very sensitive to chemicals and environmental conditions. It is therefore very easy for nitrification activity to be lost and it can be slow or difficult to restore. Under these circumstances the proactive approach is to add nitrifying cultures such as BFL 4500NT.

Situations in which the use of BFL 4500NT are beneficial include:
  • Plant start up
  • Re-seeding
  • Marginal sludge age
  • Shock recovery
  • Ammonia overload

    BFL 4500NT uses only harmless, natural micro-organisms that deal with the problem by oxidising the ammonia in a highly effective and environmentally acceptable way.

    What is BFL 4500NT?

    BFL 4500NT is a product that has been specially formulated to contain Nitrosomonas species. These organisms are involved in the first stage of nitrification - the oxidation of ammonia (NH3) to nitrite (NO2). This is the rate-limiting step in the nitrification process so if it is not working efficiently the whole process becomes very slow or stops completely. The BFL 4500NT contains active cultures that will start to oxidise the ammonia as soon as they are added to the system. The strains in the product work in harmony with the existing biomass and increase its overall efficiency so that plant performance is restored as quickly as possible. Since nitrifiers grow very slowly in a wastewater treatment system it is important to add strong active cultures so that nitrification can be quickly restored.

    Nitrifiers will only operate under conditions where the removal of BOD and COD is relatively complete. They are very sensitive to various chemicals so it may be necessary to use other BFL 4000 series products to remove toxicity before starting a dosing programme using BFL 4500NT.

    The type of systems in which BFL 4500NT can be used include:
  • Activated sludge
  • BAFF
  • Pure oxygen systems
  • Oxidation ditches
  • Aerated lagoons Directions for use

    BFL 4500NT contains active cultures and is stored at temperatures of 4 - 6oC. Therefore it is important that the product is acclimatised before addition to the system. This is achieved by adding the required quantity of product to lukewarm (~30oC) water in a suitable container. Apply 1 part product to 10 parts water, stir well and allow to stand for 1 hour before application. Apply the acclimatised product immediately prior to the aerated section of the treatment plant e.g. into a drain, pump sump or return sludge line.

    Since each application is different and has different characteristics it is important to assess the site before deciding on a dosing programme. The Technical Department provides assistance in assessing the site and devising a treatment programme.

    Product safety

    The micro-organisms in BFL 4500NT have all been isolated from natural environments. They have not been genetically modified in any way. These microbial strains have been classified as being harmless to humans, animals and plants. The product is subjected to independent testing to ensure that it is free of Salmonella and other contaminants.

    For further information on dosing programmes and product application please contact :

    Technical Department BioFuture Ltd. 62C Heather Road Sandyford Industrial Estate Foxrock Dublin 18 Ireland. Phone: +353-1-2149749. Fax: +353-1-2149767. E-mail: info@biofuture.ie